You may have heard of the town Oberammergau in Germany. As 2020 nears, you’ll be hearing that name more often. But where is Oberammergau, and what happens there?
Oberammergau is a small town in the Bavarian Alps, where residents perform the Passion Play every 10 years in keeping with a vow they made in 1634. The villagers had asked God to spare them from the Bubonic Plague which was sweeping through Europe. It had been brought to Oberammergau by a traveler who then died from the disease. In return for being spared, the villagers pledged to perform a passion play every 10 years.
According to the legend, after they made the pledge no further inhabitants were struck with the plague, and those who were suffering were cured. The villagers continue to perform the play to this day in keeping with the vow made almost 400 years ago.
In 2010, more than 2000 residents took part in performing the story of the Passion of Jesus for audiences who came from around the world. There are a limited number of tickets to the 2020 performance, and most are sold as part of a package.
We are very pleased to have access to a small number of tickets which are available as part of a Danube River Cruise itinerary. It will start in Budapest on June 25, 2020 and will end in Munich on July 6, 2020. This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of central Europe and experience an exclusive performance seen only in Oberammergau.
Please contact us at 855.557.5588 for additional details about this once-in-a-decade opportunity.
Fun ‘n’ Sun Travel & Cruise creates unique, memorable, and stress-free custom getaways to Europe, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Visit us on the web for more information.