Do yourself a huge favor in 2019, and throw away your copy of “1,000 places to See Before You Die”. Stop trying to see and do it all in one trip. Your vacation should not resemble The Amazing Race, and you shouldn’t be on a plane or train every other day. Make a resolution to seek out and participate in more immersive travel.
What is Immersive Travel?
By definition, immersive means “deeply engaging”. In practice, immersive travel is less about checking items off of a bucket list, and more about engaging with the local people and the culture. To truly experience a destination, you”ll need to step off the beaten path and slow down to enjoy your journey. Endeavor to connect and engage with local people (guides as well as residents). In short,you’ll need to take the time to fully immerse yourself in the destination and culture.
Planning for Immersive Travel
For example, visiting Paris (or Rome, or Dubai) should not be solely about taking a photo in front of a well-known landmark so that you can post it to your social media account (and check it off the list). Instead, it should be about experiencing the people, the food, the language, and the art. Don’t forget to look up from your phone/camera/social media. In fact, turn it off, and step outside of your comfort zone. Allow enough time to connect with shop keepers, local guides, and residents. Think about gaining a deeper understanding of the history and the culture. In order to do so, you’ll need to stay long enough to wander, explore, and make your own unique discoveries.
Creating Memorable Moments
The vast majority of my most meaningful and memorable travel experiences have occurred in little towns that aren’t on anyone’s bucket list. They’ve occurred while walking through side streets, people watching, enjoying a local market, or simply watching the sunset.
When I think back on 2018, my fondest memories are of the people I met along the way. These include our biking guides in Passau, the butteri horsemen in Maremma, and our veteran Croatian guide in Dubrovnik. (She had some of the most fascinating stories!) I thoroughly enjoyed our lovely and talented Italian chef who showed a great deal of patience during our cooking class. And last, but not least, our hosts in Tuscany treated us like family and opened their homes and their hearts to us.
Slow Down in 2019
In conclusion, I’d like to encourage all travelers to slow down and allow sufficient time to become immersed in their destination(s). As you plan for 2019 travel (and beyond!), stop worrying about trying to see everything. Focus on two or three cities or spots, and accept that you just may have to come back later to see more. Remember to put down your phones, learn a few phrases in the local language, connect with local people, and find places that speak to your heart. I guarantee that you’ll be glad that you did.
Contact Us
Fun ‘n’ Sun Travel & Cruise creates unique, memorable, and stress-free custom getaways to Europe, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Please call us at 1-855-557-5588, or visit us on the web for more information.