If you are planning to do even 1 international trip in the next 5 years, apply for Global Entry instead of applying for TSA pre-check.
Global Entry is only $15 more than TSA pre-check for the 5 year membership. And here’s the best part: it includes TSA pre-check with your membership, and it also includes expedited processing through Immigration and Customs upon your return to the USA.
Expedited processing through Immigration and Customs can mean the difference between making your connecting flight and missing it. Once you have Global Entry, you simply walk up to the special kiosks, place your fingers on the scanner, answer a few simple questions, and you’ll be on your way. There is also an expedited line for Global Entry members to pass through the customs check point.
You’ll be through the whole process in a matter of minutes, not hours.
The time spent applying for membership and going to the interview is small in comparison to the amount of time you’ll save when traveling internationally.
Confused about which program to apply for and how to do so? Check out this handy comparison chart for the various Trusted Traveler programs, and apply today!
Please note that if you already have TSA pre-check, you cannot “upgrade” your membership to include Global Entry. Global Entry is a separate process and application.
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