With honeymoon season coming up in just a few short months, many couples are making their plans. Here are a few quick tips for those who are tackling their once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Let’s start with the “Do’s”.


  • Keep in mind that all aspects of marriage require an open mind, communication, and some good ol’ fashion compromising.
  • Have a chat with your soon-to-be spouse about what you envision for your honeymoon. Compare notes, and see how closely you are to agreeing on “the perfect trip”.
  • Use a travel agent. Their expertise, guidance, and attention to detail will save you time, eliminate confusion, help you find the perfect fit, and ensure that you haven’t missed an important detail.
  • Set a budget and clearly communicate this to your travel agent. Be realistic about what your budgeted amount will buy. We would all like a fabulous 5 star trip to an exotic destination, but that isn’t going to happen on a shoestring.
  • Pick one or two destinations that seem to be a good fit for what you are looking for.
  • Consider a Honeymoon Registry whereby your wedding guests can contribute toward your trip.
  • Include travel protection in your budget. The small cost of the protection is a wise investment in your peace of mind (and one less detail to worry about).
  • Make the worthwhile effort to plan your trip well in advance of your wedding date. At least 6 months in advance is ideal, especially if you are traveling at a peak travel time. Leave too short of a timeframe and you may be disappointed in what’s available.

Now for the Don’ts….


  • Listen to your friends about what they did or didn’t like about their honeymoon. They may be well-intentioned, but they are not you. They may have LOVED their cruise, but you might be a land-lubber. They may have hated their resort – for reasons that wouldn’t bother you. Smile, listen, and forget it.
  • Dismiss a viable option without proper consideration as to its merits. You might think you want to go to Jamaica but find that Belize is a better fit.
  • Feel that you absolutely, positively have to leave early in the morning on the day after your wedding. A day in between can offer a much-needed respite. Dragging yourself out of bed at 3:30 in the morning (or pulling an all-nighter) to board a flight is over-rated. Few things are as miserable as boarding a plane exhausted and woozy.

With these do’s and don’ts in mind, you will find the honeymoon planning process to be one of the more pleasant tasks on your plate. It sure beats trying to figure out the reception seating plan!

Have any other tips to add to the list?

Honeymoon Do’s and Don’ts